Thursday, March 21, 2013


So I am almost half way through this tww. If our embryos are still alive they should be over 100 cells by now and hatching out and attaching to the uterine wall. 

So onto symptoms - so far not much. Started getting sharp uterine cramps today. Not sure if it is from the meds or something else. C and I have decided when I am going to test. My beta is next Thursday 13 days past ER. We decided to POAS on this Sunday, 6dp3dt. I am not expecting a BFP until at least Tuesday morning though. But hey.... we just can't help it.

I took my last dose of steroids today, woo-hoo they taste terrible! I switch my estrogen patches (two) every other day. I take Prenate DHA daily. I am still taking my daily IM shot of progesterone in my butt.... ouch! 

We got some sad news today. None of our embryos made it to "freeze."

So C and I had the dreaded, "what if" conversation. I feel like in order remain at peace I need to know there is a back up plan either way. Of course I want this to work on the first try. BUT I don't want to be too naive. So we decided that we will do another IVF cycle. That being said we may go elsewhere. And now that we are educated much more on this whole topic we will make sure we do the right thing for us. 

I'll be honest.... first starting this process I assumed since we have no fertility issues pregnancy would be inevitable. I hope I am right but I can't help but think I am way too naive. I also thought that we would definitely have frozen babies to try again if we needed. But i was wrong. Time will tell, in a weeks time we will know if I am pregnant. 



  1. Just do NOT get upset if you don't see a positive Hpt because I got a negative Hpt 13 days past ER but a positive blood test!!

    1. Well that is good to know! I would have been so worried! :)

  2. In your opinion, what are some of the things you didn't like/ would do different at a new clinic? We went with the first clinic that agreed to use my partner's eggs with me carrying, but now I wonder if there's anything to look out for! :)
    Can't wait to see your BFP!

    1. After having the experience we have had, I can honestly say we had a very positive experience surrounding the office visits and planning with meds from the staff interactions, doctors and ease of obtaining our medications. Basically it was everything we wanted it to be and researched going into this first cycle.
      The part that we didn't realize until now is that the whole masterpiece of a production came to a hault when we began dealing with the embryology lab. In a search for a new practice, we would inquire about the techniques the embryologist use, the statistics of thepractice's embryology lab and weather the statistics they provide are from currently employed embryologists. Things like weather they will freeze embryos on day 3, weather they are likely to do a 3 day transfer and not try to push the embryos until day 5, etc. at this point, I would consider it an embryologist interview by asking questions like "what separates your embryology lab from any other?" And maybe that sounds a bit harsh, but truly this is an expensive service they provide and ought sell themselves. At the same time, we have the understanding that sometimes embryos just don't make it.

    2. Also Nadine, the reason we are so "3 day happy" is because it is a known fact that embryo's will grow much better in their own environment. So since we had such a low number of embryos a three day was best. Hence why none of the others made it to 5 day but they may have if we implanted more than two. Which if we do this again... we may. Lol anyway hope that helped.

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  5. Me and my wife were havin this convo today-the "what if" conversation and I definitely felt like I am being naive in hoping for a BFP the first time-but if we aren't hoping for it on the first go, then why are we doing all of this right? We paid a lot of money for the real deal not a "warm up"! I'm sorry the other eggies didn't make it and hope you aren't going to need them right away anyway. <3

  6. Many people get lucky first go, so hang in there :). I'm sorry the others didn't make it to freeze. It's hard. I only had one make it to transfer first time. But it does only take one to get pregnant and I hope this little one goes the distance for you. Good luck with the rest of the wait and keep busy. May the sticks be with you :)

  7. Thanks for all the positive thoughts everyone!

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