Monday, March 18, 2013


Well, today was the big day. We transferred two embryos. One was what they called "perfect" and the second one was "great."

Well my nerves have officially sunk in. Even though they told me countless times that  I can pee and they won't fall out... I am having a hard time believing it! Lol this will be the longest wait of my life!

On a side note the other embryos aren't looking so great. Two have stopped growing. And the other two are still growing slowly but have fragmentation :(. We will see if any of the two can freeze on day six.

I am just hopeful that the little embies inside of my uterus stick and grow :)!

Our beta is scheduled for March 28th, which is a day early due to my work schedule. I am not going to lie I plan on POAS before then, probably 6-8dp3dt.


  1. Wishing you both lots of love & luck!

  2. Good Luck!! They look beautiful! Can't wait for time to FLY by!

  3. You did it! Sending lots of sticky vibes :)
