Thursday, April 4, 2013

First US

So today was the day, I got to see what is growing inside of me! LOL

Doctor said there is one visible gestational sac, but he can't rule out twins until next week (when I am 6 weeks). He said that sometimes 4 weeks 5 days (even though I calculated that I am 5 weeks today) is too early to see a gestational sac. But that being said we saw one! And I am perfectly happy with one baby. I guess I thought today would be the definitive answer... but yet another wait lol. My bet is on one but it would be a nice surprise if somehow there were two next week. My next US is next Friday, April 12th. I will be 5 weeks 6 days, in my RE's eyes. I am not sure how they did their calculations because every IVF calculator I use says I am 5 weeks today (not 4 weeks 5 days), but I guess they're right.

Anyway, my third beta HCG was also drawn today and it was, 716. My progesterone level was, 19. I am still changing my estrogen patches (two) every other day and taking my daily IM injection of progesterone. And I have a bone to pick with these two medications... first of all the other night I somehow woke up with an estrogen patch on upper arm instead of my butt cheek where it had been before I went to sleep! And of course it lost its stick so I had to replace it and they are $9 a piece, OUCH! I am so scared of loosing one or both patches now, that at work I find myself feeling my butt cheeks (thankfully over my pants) more than I probably should! And on to the progesterone, all I have to say is 5 MORE WEEKS!!! Right on my hips I am numb from the medication lumps. So, I though maybe if C gives it in my arm (deltoid) it wouldn't be bad... WRONG it was 10x worse. I felt like I got whacked by a soft ball in that arm for two days! It feels like my butt is bruised but it's just sore. For now I am dealing with the numbness... hoping it doesn't progress. I am done complaining now, these are very minute issues and I will gladly deal with them for the little sweat pea in my uterus.

I am so thankful for this pregnancy and I hope and pray that it progresses normally and I stay healthy! Still no huge symptoms. My boobs are definitely sore, and I am a bit more tired (probably because I get up to pee at least twice a night). Had a one or two episodes of nausea but mostly due to smells that I suddenly don't like. The other day it was the smell of a man's newspaper on the train. I was so nervous that I was going to puke (thank goodness I packed bags just in case), but I didn't.

Well, until next time :)!
No it is not triplets lol, the gestational sac is the one all the way to the right (center)


  1. Congrats on the sac! Will be eager to hear how the next u/s goes!!

  2. I can't believe how fast everything is moving!!! Congrats on the first us! Can't wait to hear if it twinsies :)
