Monday, March 4, 2013

Sperm is in the building....

Ladies and Gentlemen our sperm has arrived safe and sound.... to our RE office! Woo hoo! I called to confirm that the little guys (or girls lol) got there okay.... they had a long trip from California Cryobank to King of Prussia PA! This made my day, what a relief. I was so nervous that the tank would go bad and we would lose our only vial of sperm!

Anyway... I am still taking the daily 10 units of Lupron and I am up to four patches of estrogen tomorrow! C started stim last night! She was hilarious, she waited for me to get home from work around 9:15pm. And I drew up and gave her the two vials of Menopur and 150 units of Gonal-F. Feels like deja vu for me, except this time I know it's for our baby making journey :)!

C -  "WAIT! Make sure you put time between the actual stick and medication administration, so I know which hurts worse!"

B (Me) - "Haha, okay babe, are you ready?"

C - "Yes. No. WAIT. Okay I am ready, go ahead."

All that nervousness and then she says, "Oh that wasn't bad at all!"

On a side note my poor wife was so sick the past few days. First a sinus infection and then a GI bug eek! I felt so bad for her... but at the same time I was trying to keep my distance because after that infection I had the last thing I wanted was another bug! Lol I was following her around with bleach wipes! That sounds so terrible, but she understood. And now that she is pretty much better she is getting all the cuddles again :).

Approximately 10 more days until C's eggs meet the sperm and hang out in a dish for five days! Lol I am trying to stay exited and optimistic here :)!


  1. Wooohooo! Here's to the eggs and sperm getting jiggy! ;-)

  2. 10 days? You got this!!! Glad C is feeling better :)

  3. Thanks girls!!! I am super excited and hoping everything goes as planned. Trying to stay optimistic :)!
